To benefit the new Child Advocacy Center in Coldwater, Michigan
March 8th 2024 - Starting at 9:00AM

Ken Delaney from WTVB and Kim Hemker Executive Director from the Branch County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Maynard Family will be teaming to “Rise Up” to raise money for the Naomi Davis Shelterhouse. And we really mean Rise Up – they are doing a Roof Sit!
What is a roof sit you may ask?
We are using this very high podium as an opportunity to educate the community on what the Naomi Davis Shelterhouse is and how it supports our community. We are also utilizing this opportunity to raise funds to help with the support of domestic and sexual violence survivors and their children. This is a chance to give a little to support someone that is in a situation that we hope you never have to be in. Domestic or sexual violence. This is also an opportunity to know what services are really offered at the emergency shelter and all the services surrounding it.
We can’t thank the Maynard Family of McDonald’s enough for this match of up to $5000!! That means for every dollar you donate, it’s really giving $2.00!!

There are multiple ways to donate:
Website: www.278safe.com/roofsit
Social: Facebook.com/278safe
PayPal: www.278safe.com/roofsitdonations
Call (517)278.7233 to make a pledge
Drop by the event at McDonald’s in Coldwater to make a donation. You can also sponsor a 15 minute segment for $125 and get promoted on the radio and Facebook!

The earlier the better for your donation as the more money raised the longer they will sit on the roof and the more money goes toward supporting The Naomi Davis Shelterhouse!