Laura's Place
Laura’s Place, named in honor of the life of Laura Breitner, was built in 2001 to provide safe and affordable housing to low-income Domestic and Sexual Violence survivors. Laura’s Place creates a unique supportive environment where residents can support each other’s healing and access case management services. These services are able to help Domestic and Sexual Violence survivors regain control of their financial situation, rebuild their life based upon a strong and stable foundation, and provide opportunities for their children to learn behaviors that can break the cycle.

Laura’s Place is designed with six units, all which have 3 bedrooms and amenities to accommodate the family. The most important; being a safe and secure environment to reside. Laura’s Place is also designed to provide survivors with housing for up to two years.
Violence comes in different forms.
As many in our society contemplate why these survivors don’t leave their abusers, the survivor themselves live within a world where the actual abuse takes a backseat to more important issues like love, loyalty and survival.
Statistics tell us that the most dangerous time for a survivor is when she attempts to leave the relationship and escape from the cycle of violence. Laura was one of those statistics in our own community.
Laura’s daily life was filled with strength and determination as she met each new day free from violence and abuse. Her rewards were added courage and strength, and making life long goals a reality. This gave her the self-esteem and power to keep pushing forward.
On the night that Laura’s life was taken, she and a friend were out for the evening to celebrate her accomplishments and her new sense of freedom. A freedom her abuser never allowed her to realize. Laura once vowed that when she left shelter she would return and help other women who share in her struggle to survive. Laura’s Place is not just a place for women to make a start fresh, it is also the fulfillment of a legacy. May every woman who has the privilege to call Laura’s Place home, follow her example of strength, courage and perseverance.
Although Laura’s Place will give residents the time and services necessary to start down the road of survivorship, this is not the end of our support.
And Then What?
Although Laura’s Place will give the residents the time and services necessary to start down the road of survivorship, this is not the end of our support.
The Non-Residential Services Program provides on-going support in the community to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and unaccompanied youth. This comes with the hopes of preventing homelessness and empowering individuals to make informed healthy life choices.
These services can be utilized by clients after they leave our shelter program or by survivors who do not need emergency shelter or Laura’s Place, but can benefit from professional case management and support based on the Empowerment Model. For more information, please visit our services page.