Raw Onion Challenge!
Take a Bite Out of Sexual & Domestic Violence!

What is the Raw Onion Challenge?
It is an opportunity during these trying times to have a little fun while we are still assisting victims of domestic and sexual violence in our community.
Great! So how do I get involved??
2) You find someone or set up a tripod (remember social distancing) to video your skill at eating an onion but first:
(A) Think about who you are going to challenge (you get to choose three)
(B) Have your script ready about why you are doing this ( see below)
(C) Record
(D) Post your video
(E) Send in your donation
Donations can be submitted via this link or can be mailed in to Naomi Davis Shelterhouse – 220 N. Michigan Ave. Coldwater, MI 49036
Hi! I am your name goes here from Your affiliation or you can just say shelterhouse supporter and I was named to do the onion challenge by the name of who challenged you. Why an Onion you ask? Onions represent the various layers of the Shelterhouse and the services we perform! Because I am going to eat this whole onion on this video I am donating just 10.00 to the Naomi Davis Shelterhouse. I am taking a bite out of domestic and sexual violence in our community. I am challenging challenged #1, challenged # 2 and challenged # 3 to video themselves doing the onion challenge. If they do they can pay $10.00 as well and challenge three people… If they choose not do the challenge they can just click the link below to opt out – it will cost though! (yep…$25.00) to the shelterhouse or they can pay the 10.00. Either way it is helping victims and survivors… Happy Eating!
Not sure if you can do this???? watch the video attached…
Safety tip: Remember to keep your social distancing!
Eating a whole raw onion is an added benefit to encourage this!
Thank you for your support!