Branch County Locations Call or text 24/7/365 for: Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy, Support, Counseling, and Referrals.Call: 517-278-SAFE (7233) Text: 517-227-0320 Monday / Bronson: 9am-5pm Located in Sew What? – 402 W. Chicago St. Tuesday / Union City: 9am-5pm Located in All things Serenity; 106 E High St. Wednesday / Coldwater (Downtown) 9am-5pm 117 W. Chicago St. Thursday / Quincy: (Downtown) 9am-5pm 17 W. Chicago St. Daily / Coldwater (Naomi Davis Shelterhouse) - 24/7/365 220 N. Michigan Ave. Would you like more information? We're here 24/7/365 Tap, Click, or Call (517) 278-SAFE (7233) Name Email Message SEND