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3rd Annual Clemens Cup Golf Scramble Benefiting the Child Advocacy Center of Coldwater Event

July 13, 2025 – from 8:00AM to 2:00PM

3rd Annual Clemens Cup Golf Scramble Benefiting the Child Advocacy Center of Coldwater

Clemens Food Group and The Branch County Coalition Against Domestic Violence will once again be hosting a golf outing to raise funds for The Child Advocacy Center of Coldwater. Among other things, the center provides advocacy, assistance to victims, guidance, emotional support, and information to those in need within the community.

8:00am- Registration beings- Back Room of Oscar Browns Tavern
8:55am- Rules Announcement
9:00am- Shotgun Start

$100 per person entry fee – includes golf, cart, lunch at turn, meal after golf, 5 door prize tickets, 1 mulligan, official Clemens cup shirt, and all side games. (Only side game not included is on hole #17)

*in order to reserve team; need to collect money by June 16th non-refundable. (Money needs to be paid by way of a check. Checks need to be made out to “BCCADSV” and have “Clemens Cup Golf Outing” on the memo line.)

50/50 tickets sold prior to start and during event
Door Prize tickets 30 for $20, 12 for $10 and 5 for $5
Players can buy drinks and range balls from the clubhouse.


 4 person team best ball scramble (team must consist of at least 2 current CFG team members) *exception for sponsor teams

 The field will be capped at 36 teams

 Men play from white tees, women play from green tees, and seniors 65+ play from gold tees

 Tickets will be given based on how you score on the course.

1. Bogey or worse – 1 ticket
2. Par – 2 tickets
3. Birdie – 3 tickets
4. Eagle – 4 tickets
5. Albatross – 6 tickets
6. Hole-in-one – 10 tickets

*All tickets will be combined and the winner of the Clemens Cup will be drawn after golf is finished. (Every team has a chance to win)

After Golf

 Meal will be ready for all golfers and volunteers in the back room of Oscar Browns Tavern.

 Winners of the side games will be announced
 Winning 50/50 ticket will be drawn
 Winner of the 2nd Annual Clemens Cup will be drawn.

 Door prize winners will be drawn while golfers are on the course. Players can check for winnings after golf is finished.

You can help us by sponsoring our 3rd Annual Clemens Cup golf outing. We will have a number of different side games, lunch, and dinner to help raise money for this great cause.
Your company can help us by participating at one of the sponsorship levels below:
1. Silver –  $250 – Hole Sponsor
1. Hole sponsor includes your company’s logo posted at a hole
2. Gold –  $500 – Hole Sponsor + Your logo on the outing t-shirt
1. Hole sponsor includes your company’s logo posted at a hole
3. Platinum –  $1,000 – Hole Sponsor + Your logo on the outing t-shirt + entry for 4 person team
1. Platinum hole sponsorship includes your business’ logo at one hole and opportunity to setup and hand
out swag

Please join us in making this event a huge success. If you can help or have any questions, please reach out.

Chris Parshall-
 Franky Cabrera -fcabrera@clemensfoodgroup.com        
Joe Barone –

Bella Vista Golf Course, 1 Straight Drive, Coldwater, MI, USA

We’ll See You There!

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